This week is “Ski Week”, which means that kids in Marin get the entire week off to go to their second homes in Tahoe to ski (for reals!). For me and my kids, it means a week of being tourists in our own town. We bowled, overdosed on candy and hot chocolate, played in the sand and had a blast! Even though the week is not yet over, here are some of the highlights:
- A trip to the Jellybelly Factory in Fairfield for a (free) tour of the factory and subsequent gorge on Jellybeans. Better get a bucket.

- Frolicking in the sun on “Kayak Beach” (Schoonmaker Point Marina) in Sausalito where we gathered seashells, designed a sand city and got real messy. Yes, I know it’s February–suck it East Coasters!

- Bowling at Country Club Bowl, a huge bowling alley in San Rafael. CCB has 40 lanes, lighter bowling balls for the younger set and bumper lanes to keep kids from getting frustrated with the inevitable gutter balls. There is a pizza joint on premises and a lounge that serves 40 beers on tap. I love a place that has something for everyone!

- Game night by the fire with the most amazing artisanal hot chocolate on a stick from San Francisco-based company, Ticket Kitchen. The luscious squares melt in a few minutes in steamed milk and come in tempting flavors like salted caramel, spiced ginger, three chili and french truffle to name a few. The hot chocolate is to die for, their website is a visual feast, and the coolest part? The company was started by two Bay Area mamas!
Ski Week rocks!