Thursdays are one of my favorite days of the week. My four year old daughter, Sidney, goes to pre-school 4 days a week and the weekends are a time for the entire family to spend together but Thursday is special. Thursday is Girl’s Day and until we pick up my son from kindergarten, we are free as birds to do as many girly activities as we want. This is how it’s been unfolding lately. First, we drop Leo off at school and then go back home to play Baby. Obviously, I’m the baby so Sid bosses me around for an hour while I speak in a baby voice. Next we color and eat a second breakfast. Then, we get ready for ballet class. But before we leave we put on Sid’s earrings. She doesn’t have her ears pierced yet but desperately wants to wear earrings, so when I discovered Poppy Drops I was super excited to try them out. They are temporary tattoos for your ears that come in a variety of little girl squeal-inducing designs and they are awesome! The owls are our favorite. Ready for my close-up, daaahling!